Marine band radios

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Marine Band Radios are primarily used at sea or anywhere around water. They have a high IP rating, so they will still work if submerged, get wet, whether fresh or sea water. They are also used in other sectors where liquids could come into contact with the radio. Marine Band Radios work on VHF and their range will vary depending on atmospherics, weather and any obstructions in line of sight of the radios that are communicating. They are available as handsets or more permanent radios and the position and height of the antenna will improve the range of the radio. On boats, the antenna is commonly mounted on the top of the mast. Generally, handheld Marine Radios have a floppy antenna, as these are more robust in a challenging environment as they often get knocked and dropped. This one has a screw top cover where you can plug in an accessory like a push-to-talk microphone and some have the ability to connect to a computer to transmit data.

On the side here is the MSSI and the license details. So they are available easily and you can also add your call sign. This is a higher specification Marine radio. It has a distress button on the side. It allows an easy way of sending a distress call to the coast guard or other agencies. The radio can be programmed to send your call sign and a GPS location when the button is pushed. The push-to-talk button is large and easy to use even if your hands are wet or in poor visibility. There are also other buttons that could be pre-programmed to do what you want them to. The function of the button can be changed from the settings menu. To operate a Marine Band Radio, you are required to take a course and a test to gain your license and call sign.